“Little Women” was released on December 25th, 2019, and was directed by Greta Gerwig. The movie is based on Louisa May Alcott’s novel “Little Women” published in 1868. The film takes place in a small town in Massachusetts and follows four sisters as they navigate growing up and face complex challenges. Their unique personalities and incredible bond create a delightful story.
As the movie progresses, the perspective switches between the past and present day. This detail makes it easy for viewers to understand how and why certain characters make their decisions. The movie’s casting and acting bring these characters to life, making them incredibly believable and sincere.
One crucial artistic decision Gerwig made with this film was to incorporate more comedy than in previous versions of this film. The balance between humor and emotional scenes creates a special and amusing atmosphere around the film. Even though Gerwig made plenty of choices to make this movie unique, she did a fantastic job sticking to the novel’s original plot. She keeps all of the original characters and storylines the same.
Overall, this movie provides a great look into growing up and facing hardships. The fun-loving mood of the film casts a positive light on sisterhood and makes the movie exceedingly versatile.