The Squire, a former West Lauderdale High School newspaper club, has been relaunched. Ms. Waters, the previous editor, modernized the club. With the help of a new staff and the generous support of the general public, she is adapting The Squire to the current age. Their focus is re-introducing the art of journalism by teaching the staff how to hold interviews, search for factual information, and write journalistically while providing factual information for the readers.
In 1962, the school established itself and founded The Squire. A club sponsor, Barbara Swearingen, shares insight into the history of The Squire. Swearingen wrote about the main goal of The Squire when it originated and the basic activities that took place.
“The main goal was to produce a professional-like newspaper.”
Swearingen wrote that the basic duties of the staff members were that “[e]ach reporter was responsible for meeting deadlines, typing the story in the column form and gluing it to the layout pages.”
Swearingen also pointed out two high-achieving graduates from the club, one being the teacher who is relaunching the club this year.
“One reporter, Jim Ellis, went to work for the Associated Press and finally became a teacher. A very talented editor, Shauna Waters, is now a teacher and is responsible for reviving The Squire.”
The Squire also struggled with a similar issue to the one faced by the current staff: meeting deadlines consistently. Swearingen wrote that this was their greatest achievement but also their struggle.
Unfortunately, The Squire had to cease its activities when the business that printed its newspaper shut down. However, with the newly-founded website, The Squire has returned in the form of digital journalism. Ms. Waters, with the newly recruited staff members, is eager to provide articles to the school on current events in the community. The club upholds its previous achievements and goals, sharing quality and factual news with the community and creating well-rounded students.