On March 1st, West Lauderdale’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will be hosting the FCA Worship Night at Collinsville First Baptist. According to Wyatt Hatcher, FCA’s Vice President, the purpose of this event is to “…bring people together to have a worship night led by students for students…and hopefully people will feel the presence of God.” These teens put forth an immense amount of effort into this event to make it a night to remember by having to find speakers, a band, and more for the event.
According to Hatcher, he believes that this event is an opportunity for students to grow closer and want to strive more to be like Christ, “…the band’s goal is not just to lead people in worship, but to worship themselves. My main goal is to have a night full of worship for everyone.” Hatcher believes that the importance of these nights is the fact that “Christianity is not just for adults” and “People your age are going through the same things you are going through and have gone through, it’s a really good opportunity to learn from your peers.
Caleb McAlister, one of the student speakers for the event, was inspired to speak because “..the message that I’m sharing a lot of people need to hear…they need to know that they’re not alone in their struggles and there is a way to get out of them.” When asked if he gets nervous when preparing to speak in front of an audience, McAlister says “I do get nervous sometimes but whenever I take a step and know that no matter how much I mess up, no matter how much I forget or don’t say things. As long as I present myself as willing to go up there and speak about God, God is going to get his message across to people no matter what I do as long as I’m there to speak his word.”
The FCA Worship Night will definitely be an opportunity to grow closer with God, while also being a way to worship God with your peers. Everyone is welcome to join in as well, so come out!