Evelyn Chaudron
WLHS Band at Pearl High School field
The West Lauderdale High School marching band had its annual state competition Saturday, October 28, 2023, at Pearl High School. The band placed 11th in 4A, continuing their trend of improving every year. The band’s percussion received a special award as they placed 3rd overall in 4A.
On October 7th, 2023, the band received all superior rankings in the Neshoba State Qualifiers, allowing them to compete in state championships. After qualifying for state competition, the band had two weeks to finalize their show in preparation for state.
The theme of this year’s show is entitled “Encounters.” This show centers on an alien invasion and includes actual 911 calls of reported aliens and UFO sightings. Chance Evins, senior and the band’s acting drum major of 2 years, states that this year’s show is a lot more interesting and intricate than last year’s. This show includes various props, visuals, and music that add to the theme’s eerie and mysterious atmosphere.
The band program showed extreme resilience and improved exponentially after being shut down during the pandemic. According to Chance Evins, “Coming back from the shutdown of COVID gave us a reason to go out there and do our best.” He also remarks, “The shutdown was a blessing in disguise that allowed us to progress each year.”
One thing that Mr. Grant, WLHS band director, would like the public to understand is the mental and physical demands that being in the marching band requires. The students practice Monday through Friday and have two after-school practices a week from 1:30-6:00. These students do a lot, on a day-to-day basis that many can’t even imagine. He also calls for the support and recognition of the kids involved. All in all, it is important to remember that the band students put a great deal of effort and commitment into their work as proved by their growing success each year.