Haley Graham
Travion (Trey) Mosley is a sophomore and a member of the football, baseball, and basketball teams. He recently was recognized for his athletic accomplishments in football. Trey was nominated for Wendy’s Giant of the Week by an analyst from WTOK. He was also one of two to receive Lauderdale County Farm Bureau’s Athlete of the Month award for October.
Trey stated that it felt “good” to receive these recognitions. His coach, Coach Knox, shared that Trey has had an accomplished season so far and is leading the county in rushing yards.
Having success as an athlete requires a certain level of work and dedication. Coach Knox shared his thoughts on work ethic in athletics:
“There’s a direct correlation [between hard work and athletic success]. Trey’s having success because he works every day at practice. He works really hard; he [doesn’t] just show up to do the job, he shows up to do it to the best of his ability, and we’re seeing those results right now.”
When asked how he first got interested in football, Trey stated:
“When I was little, I used to play with my bigger cousins and stuff. I was always usually the smallest one, so… it kinda prepared me [for] now because I’m still one of the smallest ones on the team.”
When asked what his favorite part of playing football at West, Trey shared that he loves the feeling of coming out of the tunnel before each game, as well as the pregame speeches.
Trey shared his final thoughts on how to be successful, both on and off the field:
“[Whatever] you are doing, give it your all, because you don’t know the outcomes… you’ll succeed if you give it your all.”